
This database includes all diagrams and commentaries previously published in hard-copy (Vol. 14 and earlier) or electronic-only (post-Vol. 14) format, including the new content for Version 5.2 ( Volume 26 ). The popular article "General Discussion of Phase Diagrams" by F.P. Hall, H. Insley, E.M. Levin, H.F. McMurdie, and C.R. Robbins from Volume I is included as a .pdf file on the Help Page. A comprehensive list of figures included in the database can be obtained and sorted by chemical system using the Cumulative Index button.

Distributed online by The American Ceramic Society (https://ceramics.org/publications-resources/phase-equilibrium-diagrams) and The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) (https://www.nist.gov/srd/nist-standard-reference-database-31)

PED application support, comments, and suggestions: phase3@ceramics.org ; see also Contact Us on the Help Page.

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