
PED Viewer Help

Open a Diagram

Diagrams are opened from the main search page of the application. They can be opened by clicking on the thumbnail of a diagram, the "View Diagram" button, or the diagram number of the selected diagram.

Each diagram opened will be opened in either a new tab or a new window, depending on your browser settings.

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Save Diagram as PDF

To save a PDF file of a diagram, print the diagram using "Save as PDF" as the destination.

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Save Diagram as Image (PNG or JPG)

Diagrams can be downloaded as an image using the Download PNG and Download JPG buttons. This image does include any transformations applied to the diagram, but does not include the cursor or selections. By default, diagram images are downloaded at the same resolution they are displayed at on the screen. However, a custom resolution can be specified above the download button.

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Bookmark a Diagram

Diagrams are bookmarkable using your browser's built-in bookmarking system. Visiting a bookmarked diagram URL will load it in its initial view, without transformations, selections, zooming, etc.

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The base apparent size of a diagram (zoom 100%) is based on the available space in the window. Making the window larger or smaller will change the size of the diagram. In addition, the zoom can be changed by the following methods:

  • Using the mouse scroll wheel in the diagram area
  • Click and dragging a box around a specific area in the diagram
  • Using the zoom control slider and reset button in the toolbar
  • Pressing <CTRL>+b when controlling the cursor has the same effect as the zoom reset button in the toolbar

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Cursor Position

The cursor initially tracks the motion of the mouse whenever it is over the diagram. It can be "dropped" at a location by clicking in the diagram. It can be picked back up at the same location by clicking within the cursor region. It can also be picked back up at any location by clicking in the diagram. When the cursor is active, it can also be controlled by the keyboard. To release the cursor after picking it back up, either click the diagram again or use the <ESC> key.

The coordinates of the current cursor position are displayed in the values section of the sidebar for diagrams that were digitized with quantitative axes.

For quantitatively digitized diagrams the cursor can be set to specific coordinates along any two compatible axes. This is done using the fields above the Set Coordinates button. You can go directly to these fields by pressing the <ENTER> key when controlling the cursor.

To track the closest curve with the cursor, press the <SHIFT> key while controlling the cursor with the mouse. The cursor will be dropped when the <SHIFT> key is released.

The cursor can be controlled by the keyboard in the following ways:

  • The arrow keys will move the cursor in the specified direction.
  • Holding the <SHIFT> key while pressing an arrow key will jump the cursor to the closest curve in the specified direction.
  • Pressing the w key will jump the cursor to the closest curve.
  • Pressing <SHIFT>+w will jump the cursor to the closest curve and select it.
  • Pressing the q key will jump the cursor to the closest key point.

The cursor can also be set to a specific compound in the diagram. See the Chemistry section for more information.

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Nearest Curve

Pressing <SHIFT>+w while the cursor is active (or pressing the Select Nearest Curve button) selects the curve nearest the cursor. It also moves the cursor to the selected curve, and displays the Math: section of the toolbar with the angle in screen coordinates and slope in principal coordinates (y/x for binary diagrams, top component over right component for ternary diagrams) at the point on the selected curve. To clear the selection, press the Clear Selection button in the toolbar.

Pressing w while the cursor is active will move the cursor to the nearest curve without selecting it.

Holding <SHIFT> while moving the mouse in the diagram area will cause the cursor to track the curve nearest the mouse. The cursor will be dropped when the <SHIFT> key is released.

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Key Points

Pressing q while the cursor is active will move the cursor to the nearest key point without selecting it.

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Some diagrams can be switched between displaying as mole proportions or mass proportions. This only works for binary and ternary diagrams whose diagram components and extreme values have been entered correctly. This can be verified by moving the cursor over each diagram component and checking the accuracy of the reported cursor position.

Swap components exchanges the positions of the components at the specified positions in the diagram. For ternary diagrams, any pair of components may be swapped, but the diagram may look odd after swapping the top component. All three components can be reordered using successive swaps.

After entering a chemical formula (or mass formula) the cursor will be moved to the position in the diagram that that formula corresponds to.

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Report a Problem

To report a problem, make suggestions, or send other comments: phase3@ceramics.org ; see also Contact Us on the main Help Page.

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